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About Me

About DJ Palombo

I am currently a senior at Champlain College in Burlington, VT. I became interested in computer forensics when I decided I enjoyed both law enforcement and computers, and this was the best mix of those two things that I could find. I also learned quickly on in my college career that I enjoyed learning about computer networking. With that knowledge, I decided I would specialize in Information Assurance. During my time at school, I have been lucky enough to have internships with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, which has helped me grow immensely as a student and an investigator. I have accepted a job post-graduation working for Mandiant in Alexandria, VA.

I have developed knowledge in Computer Forensics, Computer Networking, Information Security, the use of Linux operating systems, primarily Debian based, as well as Mac OS X and Windows. I am proficient with EnCase v6 and v7, and I am an AccessData Certified Examiner. I am the team leader of the DamOS (DAM Attack Mitigation Operating System) project. More information on that project can be found at damosproject.com. I have had a diverse course load, which can be seen in my resume.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me via any of the methods below.